Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0
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Boils (Abscesses)


  • tender, red lump in the skin
  • causes pain even when not being touched
  • usually 1/2 to 1 inch across.


A bacterial infection of a hair root or skin pore caused by Staphylococcus (also called staph bacteria).


Without treatment, the body will wall off the infection. After about a week, the center of the boil becomes soft and mushy (filled with pus). The overlying skin then develops a pimple or becomes thin and pale. The boil is now ready for draining. Without lancing, it will drain by itself in 3 or 4 days. Until it drains, a boil is extremely painful.


  1. Antibiotics

    Boils heal faster and are less likely to recur if your child receives an antibiotic prescribed by your physician that kills staph bacteria.

  2. Lancing or draining the boil

    In general, it's better not to open a boil on your own child because it's a very painful procedure. Until the abscess comes to a head or becomes soft, apply warm compresses three times a day for 20 minutes. When the boil is ready, contact your child's physician. If you must open it yourself, use a sterile needle (sterilized with alcohol or a flame), make a large opening, and squeeze very gently or not at all.

    Once opened, the boil will drain pus for 2 or 3 days and then heal. Since the pus is contagious, the boil must be covered by a large 4 x 4 inch gauze bandage and microporous tape. This bandage should be changed and the area washed with an antiseptic soap three times a day.

  3. Prevention of more boils

    Boils can easily become a recurrent problem. The staph bacteria on the skin can be decreased by showering and washing the hair daily with an antibacterial soap. Showers are preferred because during a bath bacteria are just moved to other parts of the skin.

  4. Contagiousness

    Boils are contagious. Make sure that other people in your family do not use your child's towel or washcloth. Any clothes, towels, or sheets that are contaminated with drainage from the boils should be washed with Lysol. Any bandages with pus on them should be carefully thrown away.

  5. Common mistakes in the treatment of boils

    Sometimes friends or relatives may advise you to squeeze a boil until you get the core out. The pus in a boil will come out easily if the opening is large enough. Vigorous squeezing is not only very painful but also carries the risk that bacteria will be forced into the bloodstream. Squeezing can also cause other boils in the same area. Again, squeezing should be done very gently or not at all (as on the face).


  • The boil is not better within 48 hours after starting the antibiotic.
  • The boil has come to a head and needs to be opened.
  • You have other concerns or questions.

Written by B.D. Schmitt, M.D., author of "Your Child's Health," Bantam Books.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems