Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Dressing Problems: Teaching Dressing Skills

Even before your child is capable of dressing herself you can begin teaching her the skills she will need. Dressing your child or helping her get dressed can and should be a very pleasant interaction.

  • Praise your child when she tries to put something on (even if it's wrong) and begin teaching her how it should be.
  • Explain briefly what you're doing ("Here's the tag, it belongs in the back"). Later you'll be able to ask him which is the back and he'll show you. Make it fun and remember to praise any attempts to do things by himself (regardless of how much you helped). Gradually decrease your help as your child acquires dressing skills.

When your child is able to get dressed without your help, use these guidelines to encourage your child to get dressed within a reasonable amount of time.

  • Establish a set routine and follow it as consistently as possible. It is easier for your child if she knows what you expect. For example:
    1. Get up at 7:30 A.M.

    2. Go to bathroom.

    3. Get dressed.

    4. Eat breakfast.

    5. Brush teeth.

    6. Play or go to school.
  • All children get distracted from dressing by other things (siblings, toys, animals, etc.). Establish reasonable rules concerning dressing, discuss these with your health care provider, and then stick to them. Possible rules are:
    • Your child must get dressed in the bedroom.
    • The TV cannot be on.
    • Your child must be completely dressed before breakfast.

    Be consistent. Time-out can be used for inappropriate behavior.

  • Remember to praise staying with the job (getting dressed) frequently at first. Then gradually offer praise less often as your child gets better at dressing. For example, at first you should praise each movement involved in putting on a pair of pants. As your child learns each movement, just praise him for correctly putting on his pants.

Don't expect your child to learn shoe-tying as readily as she learns the other dressing skills. Children frequently have more difficulty with shoe-tying. Have your child put the shoes on and you tie them until your child offers to help and has acquired the necessary manual dexterity.

Written by E. Christophersen, Ph.D., author of "Pediatric Compliance: A Guide for the Primary Care Physician."
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems