Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Sinus Infection
Admission and Discharge Instructions


A sinus infection is a bacterial infection of one of the seven sinuses that normally drain into the nose. Sinus congestion can occur without an infection if one of the sinus openings becomes blocked from a cold or allergy fever.

As bacteria multiply within a sinus, pain and pressure occur above the eyebrow, behind the eye, or over the cheekbone. Other symptoms can include a profuse yellow nasal discharge, postnasal drip, a blocked nose, fever, and bad breath. A sinus infection may cause a chronic cough. Swallowing sinus secretions is normal and harmless but may lead to some nausea. Most sinus infections can be diagnosed without sinus x-rays.

Reasons for Admission to the Hospital

Main complication ________________________________________.

__ Needs IV fluids.

__ Needs IV antibiotic or other medication.

__ Needs oxygen.

__ Other reasons. _________________________________________.

Requirements for Discharge

  • _______________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________

Home Treatment

  1. Antibiotics

    Your child's antibiotic is ____________________________. Your child's dose is____________, given ______ times a day by mouth during waking hours for ______ days. This medicine will kill bacteria that are causing the sinus infection.

    Try not to forget any of the doses. If your child goes to school or to a baby sitter, arrange for someone to give the afternoon dose. If the medicine is a liquid, use a measuring spoon to make sure that you give the right amount. Even though your child will feel better in a few days, give the antibiotic until the bottle is empty to prevent the infection from flaring up again. Do not save the antibiotic for the next illness because it loses its strength.

  2. Nasal washes

    Use warm water or saline nosedrops followed by suction or nose blowing to wash dried mucus or pus out of the nose. Do nasal washes at least four times a day or whenever your child can't breathe through the nose. If the air in your home is dry, run a humidifier.

  3. Decongestant nosedrops or spray

    To open and drain the sinuses, you may need a generic, long-acting decongestant nosedrop or spray (such as oxymetazoline). You don't need a prescription for the nosedrops or spray.

    The usual dose for adolescents is two drops or sprays per nostril twice a day. For younger children use one drop or spray a day.

    Use the medicine routinely for the first 2 or 3 days of treatment. After that, don't use the spray or nosedrops unless the sinus congestion or pain recurs. Stop the drops or spray completely by 5 days to prevent rebound swelling.

  4. Pain-relief medicines

    Your child can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for a few days for sinus pain or any fever over 102 degrees F (39 degrees C).

  5. Oral antihistamines

    If your child also has hay fever, he or she should take allergy medicine (antihistamine). Otherwise avoid using antihistamines because they can slow down the movement of secretions out of the sinuses.

  6. Contagiousness

    Sinus infections are not contagious. Your child can return to school or day care when he or she is feeling better and the fever is gone.

  7. Other medicines
    • For pain or fever over 102ƒF (39ƒC) give _______________________
    • ______________________________________________________
    • ______________________________________________________

  8. Additional instructions
    • ______________________________________________________
    • ______________________________________________________
    • ______________________________________________________

Follow-up Appointment after Discharge

___ Your child needs to be rechecked and has an appointment on _____________ at _______ with _________________________.

___ Your child needs to be rechecked in ________ days. Call your child's doctor to make an appointment.

___ A follow-up appointment is not necessary. Call your doctor if you have any concerns.

Call your child's physician IMMEDIATELY if:

  • Redness or swelling occurs on the cheek, eyelid, or forehead.
  • The fever returns.
  • Your child starts acting very sick.

Call your child's physician during office hours if:

  • You have other questions or concerns.

Written by B.D. Schmitt, M.D. and Robert Brayden, M.D.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems