Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0
Spanish version

Electrical Shock, Prevention of

  • Cover all electrical outlets that are not in use with plastic safety caps.
  • Unplug appliances with heating elements, such as hair dryers, curling irons, electric shavers, coffeepots, and toasters, when they are not being used.
  • Keep electrical cords away from toddlers who might chew on them. (Note: This accident could burn off part of the lip or the end of the tongue.)
  • Teach your child not to turn on lights or electrical appliances when he or she is standing on a wet floor or wet ground.
  • Teach your child never to touch an electrical appliance, such as a hair dryer, telephone, or radio, while he or she is in the bathtub. (Note: This mistake can result in immediate electrocution if the appliance is plugged into the socket, even if the switch is turned off.)
  • Teach your child to avoid open water (such as swimming pools, lakes, and streams), tall trees, high ground, or metal objects (such as a shovel) during thunderstorms. Cars and houses are safe.

Written by B.D. Schmitt, M.D., author of "Your Child's Health," Bantam Books.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems