Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0
Spanish version

Poisoning: Prevention of

  • Remember to keep drugs and chemicals locked up or out of reach of children. Think about where you keep drain cleaners, furniture polish, drugs, and insecticides. These are the most common dangerous poisons.
  • Keep alcoholic beverages also out of a child's reach. Alcoholic beverages have caused serious poisonings. As little as 3 ounces of hard liquor can kill a 2-year-old child. Remember that most mouthwashes contain 15 percent to 25 percent alcohol.
  • Whenever you or your child is prescribed a new drug, remember to keep the safety cap on and make sure that you are giving the right dose.
  • Don't leave drugs on countertops, especially when you are called away to the door or telephone.
  • Don't leave drugs in a purse because children often search them for candy or gum. When you have guests, keep purses out of reach of children.
  • Know the names of all your houseplants and remove any (for example, dieffenbachia) that could cause sickness other than vomiting or diarrhea. Teach your child never to put leaves, stems, seeds, or berries from any plant into her mouth without your permission.
  • Don't store any chemicals in soft-drink bottles.
  • Keep syrup of ipecac in your medicine chest. (Periodically check the expiration date to make sure it will be effective if you need to use it.) Keep the telephone number of the Poison Control Center handy.

Written by B.D. Schmitt, M.D., author of "Your Child's Health," Bantam Books.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems