Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Motion Sickness (for Teenagers)


Motion sickness is common. People who get dizzy and nauseated in the car are also prone to becoming seasick, trainsick, airsick, and sick on amusement park rides. The problem is due to an inherited sensitivity of the equilibrium center located in the semicircular canals (inner ear). It is not related to emotional problems.


  1. Treatment for the nausea

    Lie down and keep a vomiting pan handy. Take only sips of water (not soda pop) until your stomach settles down. If you can go to sleep it will usually help. You probably won't vomit more than once, and all symptoms disappear in about 4 hours.

  2. Prevention of motion sickness with antinausea medicine

    The best treatment for motion sickness is prevention. Buy some nonprescription Dramamine at your drugstore. Dramamine comes in 50-mg tablets. The dosage for teenagers is 2 tablets taken 1 hour before traveling or going to an amusement park. The tablets give 6 hours of protection and are very helpful.

  3. Prevention and types of travel
    • Car trips: It will help if you sit in the front seat. Look through the front window, not at objects passing on the side. Do not read books during car travel.
    • Sea travel: Avoid it.
    • Air travel: Select a seat near the wings.
    • Amusement parks: Avoid rides that spin.
    • Meals: Eat light meals before or during trips.

Written by B.D. Schmitt, M.D., author of "Your Child's Health," Bantam Books.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems