Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

How to Help Your Youngster Adjust to Child Care

Attending day care for the first time can be terribly upsetting for your child and maybe even for you. The security of familiar surroundings is left behind, and replaced by new faces and new activities.

The following tips can help you and your child adapt positively to the child care experience:


  • Start by having someone come into your home to care for your child for a short period of time while you busy yourself with other activities in your home.
  • Next, leave your home for short periods of time. Gradually build up to the amount of time you will be gone during a typical day.
  • Let your baby get used to being with other people. Spend time visiting friends with children as well as other places children and adults are likely to be.
  • Remain with your child part or all of the first day or so of day care.
  • If day care is provided outside the home, give your little one a familiar toy or object to take along for security.


  • Get to know the facility and caregiver(s) before your child starts the program. This helps you answer your child's questions and lessens last-minute "surprises."
  • Visit the home or center with your child before enrollment. Let your youngster become acquainted with the new environment by observing and then participating at his or her own pace.
  • You and your child might select a photograph of family members or pets to tuck into a pocket during the hours of day care.
  • Your child may wish to take along a favorite toy or stuffed animal for comfort.
  • Tell your child where you will be and what you will be doing while your child is busy in day care.
  • Be explicit about transportation plans. This reduces your child's fears about being abandoned.
  • Act secure and confident even if you feel apprehensive. Your appearance of calm is contagious, and will help reassure your child.
  • At the day care home or center, do not try to sneak away while your child is preoccupied. Your child will learn not to trust you if you do. Instead, make your good-byes short, cheerful, and visible.
  • Expect tears initially. It is natural for your child to burst into tears when you leave or return.
  • Talk to your child's caregiver about how you can both help your child adjust.
  • Allow plenty of time for your child to adapt to the new rhythms and routines. If your youngster continues to be unhappy after a month or so, something is wrong and you may need to consider other child care or job alternatives.
  • Reading books together about other children's experiences at day care or nursery school can uncover unspoken feelings and expectations and thus help prepare for the experience.

    For a list of books, see Children's Literature: Nursery School.

  • Each day, ask your child about day care events, and talk about high points as well as anxieties.
  • Try not to make too big a fuss over your child's first day. Accept it as a planned, natural part of your family's life.
  • Even after being involved in day care or nursery school for a while, children sometimes resist going. A small change in the daily routine may help. For example, in two-parent families have the other parent accompany your child or plan a special treat upon return or at the end of the week. If problems continue, talk to the caregiver(s).

Written by Donna Warner Manczak, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems