Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Normal Development: 18 Months Old

Here's what you might see your child doing between the ages of 18 and 24 months.

Daily Activities

  • May begin toilet training.
  • Begins to eat with fork.
  • Enjoys imitating parents.
  • May favor father.

Motor Skills

  • Walks proficiently.
  • Enjoys pushing and pulling toys while walking.
  • Runs awkwardly and falls a lot.
  • Walks backwards a short distance.

Cognitive (Thinking and Learning) Development

  • Understands that something can exist even when hidden.
  • Can picture objects and events mentally.

Language Development

  • Speaks from 3 to 50 words.
  • Wants to name everything.
  • Uses a few two-word combinations.
  • Repeats familiar and unfamiliar sounds and gestures.

Emotional and Behavioral Development

  • May begin to show frustration when not understood.
  • May show strong attachment to a toy or blanket.
  • Resists bedtime.
  • Responds with "no" constantly.
  • Likes to show some independence (feeds self, undresses self).
  • Begins to develop a self-concept.
  • Responds to simple requests ("Bring me your book").

Each child is unique. It is therefore difficult to describe exactly what should be expected at each stage of a child's development. While certain attitudes, behaviors, and physical milestones tend to occur at certain ages, a wide spectrum of growth and behavior for each age is normal. These guidelines are offered as a way of showing a general progression through the developmental stages rather than as fixed requirements for normal development at specific ages. It is perfectly natural for a child to attain some milestones earlier and other milestones later than the general trend. Keep this in mind as you review these milestones.

If you have any concerns related to your child's own pattern of development, check with your pediatrician or family physician.

Written by Donna Warner Manczak, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems