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Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Reasons for Producing a Pediatric Practice Newsletter

You're thinking about a newsletter, or at least you're curious about one or you wouldn't be scanning this. You also have computer access or you couldn't be reading this. So that makes you a viable candidate for newsletter production.

The Pediatric Advisor and your computer have amazing potential. You can personalize information from the Pediatric Advisor and incorporate it into your newsletter. It's sharing in the best way. Your parents and patients will think so too.

A newsletter is a great idea for any medical practice. Many private physicians and medical groups have long contemplated doing newsletters but put it off due to other priorities, plus a myriad of doubts regarding time, effort, cost and ability. Putting out a newsletter is not difficult and the rewards are well worth the effort.

There are many reasons to produce a newsletter but most important are to extend your goodwill and emphasize to your patients, "We care about you." A medical practice newsletter shares information and enhances your communication with your office staff and your families.

We use the newsletter as an open forum for comments, criticism, and questions from our families. Many have shared success stories as well as tragedies. We've received our share of praise also, which always feels wonderful! We get questions about practice policy as well as medical and parenting issues.

When we decided to begin a newsletter in 1984, we brainstormed over the name and debated the content and style. We decided upon "News and Clues" and added "from us for you." We continually reiterate that the newsletter belongs to everyone and is for everyone -- physicians, personnel, patients, and families.

While we know that a newsletter is a practice enhancement, we've not had sufficient proof that it attracts new patients. Until proven otherwise, we don't believe that attracting new patients should be a goal of the newsletter. If that happens, it's just another reward. We're aware that attracting new patients is a goal of some newsletters and many believe it works. If that aspect is important to your practice, see that the local media receive copies as well as physicians who refer to your practice, day care providers, preschools, and so on.

Written by Lottie Mendelson, RN, MS, PNP, Pediatric Associates, Portland, OR.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems