Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

Preschool Play (3 to 6 yr): Overview

Children's imaginations flourish during the preschool years. Play occupies a considerable amount of preschoolers' time, and much of what they learn is in the context of play. Dramatic play now becomes popular, and children imitate familiar roles with abandon. They also tend to prefer "natural" toys like mud, sand or water which allow considerable creative expression. Likewise, working with art materials also releases creative energy.

Preschoolers do not like too many rules and regulations imposed upon their play. They love to invent their own games, and activities that require a short span of time are best.

As your preschooler begins to move out of the home and into the larger community, he or she begins to take an interest in other children as playmates and begins to learn such social skills as sharing and taking turns. Around the age of five, your child will probably prefer to play with children of the same sex and age.

Preschoolers continue to require close supervision as most play-related accidents and injuries occur within this age group.

See also:

Play Materials for Preschoolers

Written by Donna Warner Manczak, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems