Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

                       Rashes:  Widespread Pink or Red

      Ampicillin Rash (S)                     Measles Vaccine Rash (S) 
      Anaphylactoid Purpura                   Pityriasis Rosea 
      Chickenpox (S)                          Roseola (S) 
      Drug Rashes                             Rubella (S) 
      Dry Skin (S)                            Scarlet Fever (S) 
      Eczema (S)                              Sunburn (S) 
      Fifth Disease (S)                       Unknown Cause of Widespread 
      Heat Rash (S)                           Itching (S) 
      Hives (S)                               Unknown Cause of Widespread Rash
      Immunizations for Prevention (S)        without Itching (S) 
      Measles (S) 
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems