Children & Adolescents Clinic

 Home Parent's Guide

Clinical Reference Systems: Pediatric Advisor 10.0

                            Common Skin Conditions

      Acne (S)                                    Measles (Rubeola) (S)
      Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis) (S)            Newborn Rashes and
      Boils (Abscesses) (S)                       Birthmarks (S)
      Chickenpox (Varicella) (S)                  Poison Ivy (S)
      Diaper Rash (S)                             Ringworm of the Body
      Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) (S)              (Tinea Corporis) (S)
      Fifth Disease                               Ringworm of the Scalp
      (Erythema Infectiosum) (S)                  (Tinea Capitis) (S)
      Fingernail Infection (Paronychia) (S)       Roseola Infantum (S)
      Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (S)           Rubella (German Measles) (S)
      Hives (Urticaria) (S)                       Scabies (S)
      Impetigo (Infected Sores) (S)               Scarlet Fever (S)
      Insect Bites (S)                            Sunburn (S)
      Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris) (S)                Toenail, Ingrown (S)
      Lice (Pediculosis), Head (S)                Warts (S)
Copyright 1999 Clinical Reference Systems